Friday, June 15, 2007

Not witty afterall

Looking back over the week . . . maybe i'm not 'a witty' character. When one bites and gets bitten one realises that one loses all one cares about. If only the haks would listen . . if only time would turn back . . . if only hurt wasn't replacing love . . . if only . . .

Do alcoholics, junkies and the rest of the 'rotten' apples ever recover . . . I know now first hand society rarely gives them a chance (with valid reasons, of course) irrespective of how genuine they may be. I will never succumb to society's ideals . . . one hit of coke doesn't make you a druggie even though society expects you to do it again. Society will never make a druggie.

I only wish the haks would listen . . . but if wishes were horses . . .so far the haks doesn't see how sincere i am . . . how does one prove they are not a druggie . . .HOW?????

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